The average useful life span of a bra is only about a year, but the very thought of bra shopping keeps many women wearing old or ill-fitting bras. Wearing the right bra can make you feel great about yourself and make you look fantastic; yet, despite the fact that a girl will buy a lot of bras in her life, finding exactly the right one is surprisingly difficult.
So, if you’re tired of getting home, only to find that the bra you just bought isn't as good, as you thought it was, read these ten shopping tips on how to choose the perfect bra for you. Who knows? You may even have fun!
1. Get your bra fitted
Some estimates put the number of women who are wearing the wrong sized bra as high as over 80%! The main reason for this is that they don’t get their bras fitted properly. When shopping for a bra, go to a quality store that will have staff on hand who can measure you properly and remember that your body shape changes over time, so don’t assume that your bra size hasn't.
2. Understand your body type
Remember that your overall body shape will also determine the type of bra that will suit you best. Again, check with an expert in the store, before you buy.
3. Make sure that the bra fits firmly
A bra should always fit snugly, so don’t assume that a loose fitting bra will be more comfortable. As a guide, a well fitted bra will be tight enough, so that you can only fit two fingers under the band.
4. Check how the bra looks, under your clothes
As well as checking how the bra looks itself, check how you look with a top on too. When you go shopping for a bra, wear a fairly tight fitting top that doesn't have a very high collar, and then you will get a good idea of how the bra will make your body look, when you wear similar clothes once you get it home.
5. Look at the position of your breasts
A bra is not only for support; it should also hold your breasts in the correct position. If the bra fits you well, then your breasts should be positioned in such a way that the middle of your bust is positioned halfway between your elbows and your shoulders.
6. It is better to have fewer, more expensive bras
Bras can be expensive, but it’s much better to spend the money on a good bra, because it will be more comfortable and it will help boost your self-esteem. Don’t be tempted to buy lots of cheap bras; a few, well fitted, more expensive ones are a far better option.
7. Allow for stretching
Most bras are made from flexible material and, over time, they will stretch. Choose a bra that fits you well on the widest possible fastening and then you will be able to tighten it, as the material stretches.
8. Check your bra by moving around
When you check out your new bra in the mirror, don’t forget to move around to see how it’s really going to fit. Raise your arms above your head, twist to the left and to the right and bend over at the waist. The bra shouldn't rise up, cut in and, needless to say, you shouldn't fall out of it either!
9. Check for the transparency
Some of the delicate, skimpy bras can be a little too revealing when worn under certain lighting and with light fabric tops. It’s worth checking how transparent your new bra is, so you don’t get any surprises later.
10. Take care of your bras
If you've spent some money on a good bra, then you will want it to last. Always read the care label for washing instructions and, if you do machine wash it, place in a net laundry bag. Also, always air dry bras, don’t put them in the tumble dryer.
Make sure you stay happy always!
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